Position in Experimental Physics of Quantum Materials and/or Quantum devices

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Ecole Polytechnique
1 November, 2016


Ecole Polytechnique PALAISEAU 91128

École Polytechnique considers hiring an outstanding scientist in the field of Experimental Physics of Quantum Materials and/or Quantum Devices, broadly defined. The successful candidate will join the Physics Department faculty and create an independent research program in one of the nine physics research laboratories established on campus.
The position will be open at the tenured Associate Professor or Full Professor level, depending on seniority. Generous startup funds will be provided, as well as laboratory and office space.
Applicants should submit a cv, a publication list with a brief comment about the five most significant ones, and a statement of research and teaching interests including a vision about the projects to be developed on campus. The names of three potential references should be provided. Application packages (preferably a single pdf file) should be sent by email to: sylvie [dot] pottier [at] polytechnique [dot] edu by November 1st 2016.
École Polytechnique is a leading higher education and research institution in France. It is part of the recently created Université Paris-Saclay. It is located in Palaiseau close to Paris, and a number of research institutions and facilities related to the field of this opening are located in its immediate vicinity.