PhD studentship in physics of low-dimensional quantum gases

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Vienna University of Technology
1 November, 2010


48° 12' 29.4264" N, 16° 22' 25.7484" E

A 3-years PhD student position is available at the Quantum Optics Group, Institute of Atomic and Subatomic Physics, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria. The project is to numerically model thermalization, decoherence and dephasing in low-dimensional ultracold atomic Bose gases. The work is to be done in a small theoretical group in an everyday close collaboration with the experimental group of Prof. J. Schmiedmayer.

The PhD student is supposed to participate in developing theoretical models, to implement them numerically, and to participate in the analysis of the results and their comparison to freshly obtained experimental data. Therefore the requirements for the applicant include both good skills in numerical mathematics and basic knowledge of quantum mechanics and statistical physics. An applicant should possess the Master (or equivalent) degree in physics. Applicants should submit their CV, the letter of interest and name(s) and e-mail address(es) of 1 or 2 persons who could provide a letter of recommendation. Submission via e-mail (as PDF or Word files) is possible.

For application, please, contact Dr. Igor Mazets, Institute of Atomic and Subatomic Physics (Vienna University of Technology), Stadionallee 2, 1020 Vienna, Austria, e-mail: igor [dot] mazets [at] gmail [dot] com The review of applications will start immediately. The position will be kept open until being filled.

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