Ph.D. student /quantum sensing of molecules

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Weizmann Insitute of Science
31 January, 2018


Weizmann Institute of Science
234 Herzl St.
Rehovot 7610001

The QUEST (QUantum Enhanced Sensing Techniques) lab in the Weizmann Institute of Science invites enthusiastic students with M.Sc. degrees or equivalent to combine physics, chemistry and some engineering in the emerging field of quantum sensing.

The lab specializes in the nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond as its quantum sensor, and will apply it to the study of molecule structure, intra- and inter-molecule reactions and couplings.

Graduate students will formally join the Feinberg school and will need to adhere to its rules and regulations.

Background in optics and/or microwave and/or programming in python will be useful.

For more details, feel free to contact amit [dot] finkler [at] weizmann [dot] ac [dot] il (subject: PhD%20position%20in%20quantum%20sensing) (Amit Finkler).