PhD scholarships available in Quantum Simulation, Control, and Sensing

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Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
1 December, 2018


Macquarie University Sydney

Several PhD scholarships (both theory and experiment) are available through the Macquarie University node of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQuS) Each 3-year scholarship covers the national/international tuition fees (International: 42,720 AUD/yr), and provides an annual stipend of 27,082 AUD. The PhD provides support for travel and research costs and opportunity for frequent interaction with researchers and students in the other nodes of EQuS. Macquarie University is located in Sydney, Australia. 


The theory of the development of engineered quantum sensors
Supervisor: Prof. Jason Twamley

Quantum systems are incredibly fragile and are easily disturbed by external influences. This makes them very useful for use in the design of ultra-precise sensors e.g. for sensing acceleration, rotation, magnetic and electric fields, etc. Such sensors can have widespread practical uses for inertial navigation (non GPS based), or for medical imaging. We are seeking candidates with strong backgrounds in the theory of quantum optics or atom optics and experience with the numerical modelling of quantum system would be a plus.

Scholarship reference number is #2018456. To apply please send an email with subject header [QSensePhD] to jason [dot] twamley [at] mq [dot] edu [dot] au, including a CV and a short motivation letter. Application deadline December 1, 2018.


Theory and experiment in quantum simulations and control of many body quantum states of spin and light
Supervisors: A/Prof Thomas Volz (Experiment) and A/Prof Gavin Brennen (Theory)

One of the grand challenges of the 2nd quantum revolution is to simulate complex physical systems that are beyond the capabilities of classical machines. However, individual quantum systems are very fragile and to be useful components in a quantum machine, they must be accurately controlled. This theory project (#2018457) will investigate quantum simulations with spin arrays including protocols for preparing many body entangled states and generating novel dynamics using quantum circuits, engineered dissipation, and non-unitary quantum cellular automata rules. The experimental position (#2019120) based in the Quantum Materials and Applications (QMAPP) group will work on quantum control and simulation using collective superspins in NV centres in diamond and/or strongly interacting quantum-well cavity polaritons.

More details on our research at:


To apply please send an email to QuantumMQPhD [at] gmail [dot] com. Use subject header [QInfoPhD_#{positionnumber}], include a CV and a short motivation letter. Application deadline is December 1, 2018.