PhD Scholarship - Materials for Spintronic Device Applications

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Macquarie University
20 May, 2017


Macquarie University
North Ryde
Sydney 2109
33° 46' 25.7664" S, 151° 6' 45.54" E

Immediately available is a PhD scholarship in the research and development of intrinsic ferromagnetic semiconductor materials for spintronic device applications. Analogous to electronics, spintronics uses the magnetic moment of the electron, rather than the charge, to process and store information. Intrinsically ferromagnetic semiconductors are expected to form the core of true spintronic systems, but very few examples are known. This research project will investigate one such material using synchrotron and neutron scattering techniques, culminating in its characterisation in an integrated spintronic device.  


The scholarships cover the national/international fees (International: 32,000AUD/yr), and provides an annual stipend of ~25,000AUD. The PhD provides approx 15,000AUD for travel and research costs. AU/NZ candidates will also be eligible to apply for AINSE top-up scholarships of 7,500AUD.


DEADLINE May 20 2017


To apply please email a CV. Label the Subject of your email as "PhD Application" to

Dr James Downes

james [dot] downes [at] mq [dot] edu [dot] au




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