PhD positions in theoretical quantum information science

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Macquarie University
20 May, 2017


Macquarie University
North Ryde
Sydney 2109
33° 46' 25.7664" S, 151° 6' 45.54" E
PhD scholarships are available for excellent candidates in theoretical quantum information science to work on many body quantum information, quantum simulations, and quantum optics.
Our research focuses on the interface between many body physics and quantum information. Topics include: designing quantum simulators for quantum field theory and topological phases with anyons, using e.g. superconducting circuits or continuous variable systems; revealing the bulk/boundary correspondence using tensor network states; and modelling collective spin dynamics of NV centres in diamond. More details can be found at
We seek highly motivated, self-driven individuals with some knowledge of quantum information theory and/or condensed matter. The scholarship covers the national/international fees (International: 32,000AUD/yr), and provides an annual stipend of ~25,000 AUD. The PhD provides approximately 15,000 AUD for travel and research costs.
We are part of an Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence on Engineered Quantum Systems (EQuS). 
DEADLINE May 1, 2017
To apply please email a CV and a short motivation letter to 
gavin [dot] brennen [at] mq [dot] edu [dot] au


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