PhD Positions in Quantum Optics at Q*

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Firenze, Italy
1 May, 2013


Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia
Largo Enrico Fermi 2
Firenze 50125
43° 44' 59.9712" N, 11° 14' 55.4208" E

Your theory work will cover the broad theme of cavity quantum electrodynamics to be performed in collaboration with the experimental group of Prof. Rempe at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany.

Keywords of our research include: quantum optics, photonics, quantized light fields, optical resonators, laser cooling and trapping of atoms, optimal control, decoherence, cavity optomechanics, out of equilibrium quantum dynamics. We have positions either in computing or purely theoretical or both. You are welcomed to propose any idea you would like to pursue. propose any idea you would like to pursue.

Research Fields
Physics - Quantum mechanics

Career Stage
Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)

Research Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)

You will be an integral part of a research group representing the cutting edge of research in the quantum electrodynamics of fundamental systems in Europe, see for instance


Please send you application to Dr. Karim Murr (karim [dot] murr [at] lens [dot] unifi [dot] it).

Your application must include:

1) Cover letter (one page, two at most). Explain: Why do you want to join our group? What would you like to work on? Do you prefer numerical or analytical work, or both? Are you interested in a topic not listed in our description, if yes which one? Do you have specific requirements?

2) CV

3) Copy of bachelor and master transcripts and certificates

Required Education Level: Master Degree or equivalent
Degree Field: Physics
Required languages: English (level of proficiency: excellent)

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