PhD positions

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University of Vienna & Vienna University of Technology
15 January, 2011


University of Vienna, Quantum Optics
Boltzmanngasse 5
Vienna 1090
48° 13' 17.9364" N, 16° 21' 22.6008" E

Doctoral Fellowships in the

"Vienna Doctoral Program on Complex Quantum Systems"

The “Vienna Doctoral Program on Complex Quantum Systems (CoQuS)" is a graduate program funded by the FWF, and jointly hosted and supported by the University of Vienna and the Vienna University of Technology, Austria.


The CoQuS Program announces new openings for highly qualified doctoral/graduate students in experimental and theoretical quantum physics, with a strong emphasis on

  • Fundamental tests of physics
  • Quantum information concepts and implementations
  • Matter wave interferometry: foundations and applications
  • Quantum technology on the nanoscale
  • Quantum physics in the solid state 
  • Cold quantum gases & atom chips
  • Entanglement of massive particles
  • Hybrid quantum systems
  • Strongly correlated quantum systems

The selected candidates are expected to take up their PhD studies in October 2011.

Both participating universities aim at increasing the percentage of female researchers. Female graduate students are therefore explicitly encouraged to apply.


Application Procedure:

Applicants are requested to complete an online admission form and send the signed form together with the remaining documentation as single pdf files to:

canan [dot] goeser [at] univie [dot] ac [dot] at (canan [dot] goeser [at] univie [dot] ac [dot] at)

Applications should be submitted no later than January 15, 2011.

A final decision will be announced on March 15, 2011.


Details of the research possibilities and of the admission procedure are available at:




Mrs. Canan Göser

Vienna Doctoral Program on Complex Quantum Systems

University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics

Boltzmanngasse 5

A-1090 Vienna, Austria

Phone: +43 1 4277 51277

Fax: +43 1 4277 9512

Email: canan [dot] goeser [at] univie [dot] ac [dot] at


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