PhD Position in Physics

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University of Granada (Spain) ERC-StG
31 December, 2013


University of Granada Granada

We are looking for a suitable candidate to carry out a PhD thesis in our group working with ion traps and lasers to perform precision experiments with laser-cooled Ca+ ions in a Paul and in a Penning trap. The selected candidate will work on running a Paul-trap experiment to perform side-band cooling on a single Ca+ ion, using diode lasers and a Ti:Sa laser. He/she will participate in the development of a device referred to as Quantum Sensor in the framework of the project TRASPENSOR funded by the European Research Council. The whole project aims at building up this device in order to change the electronic detection of a single particle stored in a trap by the detection of fluorescence photons from a laser-cooled ion stored in a second trap. The candidate should have a master degree in Physics (recognized by the University of Granada) and very good level in English language.
The gross salary (before applying taxes) is around 1,500.00 euros per month. People from any nationality can apply. For further information, please contact

Prof. Dr. Daniel Rodríguez
Departamento de Física Atómica Molecular y Nuclear
Universidad de Granada
Avda. Fuentenueva s/n
18071, Granada, Spain
Tel: +34 958240029
Fax: +34 958249487
e-mail: danielrodriguez [at] ugr [dot] es