PhD Position: MEMS-controlled Fibre-Ion Quantum Interface

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University of Sussex
26 February, 2012


United Kingdom
50° 49' 21.108" N, 0° 8' 13.7868" W

MEMS-controlled Fibre-Ion Quantum Interface

Ion-Trap Cavity-QED Group, Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QH, United Kingdom
The PhD-project unites the two most successful implementations of quantum information processing, single ions stored in radio-frequency traps and single photons in optical fibres. To achieve the strongest possible coupling between the two types of quantum bits, the end facets of two optical fibres are used as ultra-high reflectivity mirrors, forming an optical cavity around an ion. In this way, a coherent quantum interface between ions and photons can be accomplished, mapping the quantum state of the ion to that of the photon and vice versa. This opens the way to distributed quantum computation and quantum networking.
The Ion Trap Cavity-QED (ITCQ) group at the University Sussex has a leading international role in controlling the interactions of single ions and photons. For the present project, an entirely new concept of combining ion traps with cavities on a chip will be pursued. In close collaboration with our partner in the South-East Physics Network (SEPNet), the Nano Research Group in Southampton, the student will develop a MEMS-controlled quantum interface between ions and photons. The envisaged geometry is shown in the schematic below.
Profiting from the combined expertise available in Sussex and Southampton, the student will gain experience in ion trapping techniques, develop a prototype of an ion trap with integrated cavity mirrors and fabricate a chip-based device in Southampton’s Mountbatten centre. The principal goal is the demonstration of a functional quantum interface in the cavity-QED laboratories at Sussex. Applications include the long-distance distribution of entanglement via photons as well as the linking of remote ion-trap quantum computers, establishing the basis of the quantum internet.   
Requirements:     Master's degree in atomic or quantum physics or equivalent
Stipend:                £13,590 p.a. + £1,200 p.a travel allowance
Fees:                     paid at current UK/EU rates
Duration:              3 years
Closing date:
       26 Feb 2012
Further information:
Prof. Wolfgang Lange
Phone: +44 (01273) 87 31 71
Email: w [dot] lange [at] sussex [dot] ac [dot] uk (w [dot] lange [at] sussex [dot] ac [dot] uk)
Applications should be sent by email to the above address. Please include a CV and indicate obtained or predicted grades.
The University of Sussex is one of the leading universities in the UK, located in the lively seaside city of Brighton, 50 minutes by train from London Victoria. Its department of Physics and Astronomy is internationally recognized, with a distinguished programme in ion trap physics.


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