PhD position on the Many Body Problem

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30 April, 2016


University of Strathclyde Strathclyde
United Kingdom

Opening for a PhD about the quantum many body problem
under the supervision of Dr. Luca Tagliacozzo
in the CNQO group of the
Department of Physics at the University of Strathclyde.

The many body problem
How is it possible that the same and simple constituent atoms, when joined
together, produce such a beautiful and diverse world? One can see this as a
consequence of collective emergence, an aspect of physics relevant to several
disciplines, from statistical physics to condensed matter, to high energy
Tensor Networks
We will address collective emergence in the framework of quantum many-body
systems described through tensor networks. By using tensor networks, the
states of many-body system are described efficiently by means of the contraction
of a network of small constituent tensors, making such a description viable
also for large systems. Tensor networks thus offer a rich and ideal playground
for analytical and numerical studies of many-body problems.

The Ideal Candidate

We are looking for a talented PhD student who wants to embark on the
development of tensor networks techniques, either in the context of strongly
interacting 2D system or in the context of the out-of equilibrium evolution
of 1D quantum systems. The ideal candidate should have good analytical and
numerical skills, be highly motivated, and be enthusiastic about joining a
very active area of research.

Tensor Networks for quantum simulations

The proposed theoretical studies will also be relevant for ongoing
experimental efforts, including work being performed in the Experimental
Quantum Optics and Photonics Group in the Department of Physics of the
University of Strathclyde.

PhD at Strathclyde and in Scotland
We also offer postgraduate teaching and training as part of the SUPA (Scottish
Universities Physics Alliance) and IMPP (International Max Planck
Partnership). Financial support is available for collaborative work and for
presentation of results at national and international conferences.
Applicants should have an excellent master degree in Physics, Applied
Mathematics, Engineering, or a related discipline.

More information about the group can be found here,

Physics at Strathclyde:
CNQO group:

More information about my research interests can be found here
Luca Tagliacozzo: