PhD position in Frustration, topology and other exotic many-body effects

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JGU Mainz
1 November, 2013


Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

A PhD position is available in the newly forming group of Jun.-Prof. M. Rizzi, at the Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz (Germany).
The research activity will be focusing on many-body effects generated by the interplay of geometry, interactions and gauge fields.
Examples range from localization effects and uncommon superfluid pairings to topological states of matter and their possible use for quantum technologies.

Particular attention will be devoted, according to the inclination of the candidate, to one of the following directions:
a) development of quantum simulation schemes with cold atoms or trapped ions;
b) theoretical analysis to identify some minimal requirements to generate interesting states;
c) numerical investigations to determine phase diagrams and to support the other two research lines.
Point a) will profit from the vicinity of experimental groups like the ones of Prof. Schmidt-Kaler and Prof. Windpassinger, and point c) also from the neighboring group of Jun.-Prof. Orus.

Applications are open at any time. They will anyway start to be considered from the end of September on, until the position is filled.

Please notice that the position might receive fundings from the Excellence School “MAterials science IN mainZ”
(see and for related eligibility rules).

J-Prof. Dr. Matteo Rizzi
** NEW EMAIL matteo [dot] rizzi [at] uni-mainz [dot] de **
Institut für Physik, KOMET 337
Staudingerweg 7 / Room 03-132
55099 Mainz, Germany
Tel: +49 6131 39 236 55 Fax: +49 6131 39 209 54
SKYPE matteorizzi