PhD Position, Experimental Quantum Optics

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Zurich, Switzerland
31 August, 2013


ETH Zurich Zurich 8093
Phone: +41-44-63-33954

Cavity quantum electrodynamics with ultracold gases

This PhD project will focus on experimental research at the intersection of many-body physics in quantum gases and cavity quantum electrodynamics. By trapping quantum gases in the dynamically generated potential of high-finesse optical cavities, unique possibilities are added to the toolbox of quantum simulations with ultra-cold atoms. In our novel experimental system, we can rapidly exchange the cavity setup through a load lock. This allows exploring a variety of different cavity geometries and thus to investigate systems ranging from cavity optomechanics to glass-like quantum many-body phases. The goal of the PhD thesis is to carry out first experiments with this apparatus, and to develop new real-time detection schemes for quantum many-body systems.

We are currently looking for an experimentally highly talented PhD student with a strong background in quantum optics. You should be enthusiastic about exploring quantum many-body systems with cutting edge technology in a team of three to four people.
For more information or application, please contact:
Dr. Tobias Donner – donner [at] phys [dot] ethz [dot] ch
Prof. Tilman Esslinger – esslinger [at] phys [dot] ethz [dot] ch