PhD position available

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Saarbrücken, Germany
31 July, 2013


Universität des Saarlandes
Campus Gebäude E2 6
Saarbrücken D-66123

A PhD position is available at the Quantum Physics group of Saarland University, in Saarbrücken, Germany. The research is supervised by Dr. Marc Bienert and takes place in the theory group of Prof. Dr. Giovanna Morigi.

The PhD project "Optomechanical Cavity QED with Color Centres in Diamond" is funded by the DFG (German Research Foundation) and runs for 3 years. The aim of the project is to develop a theoretical description of optomechanical crystals in diamond interacting with single defect centers. More information can be found at the group's page:

Interested candidates should contact Dr. Marc Bienert by e-mail (marc [dot] bienert [at] physik [dot] uni-saarland [dot] de) including a CV.

Please note that the university's doctorate regulations require that PhD candidates possess a master or equivalent degree.