PhD and Postdoc positions in Quantum Metrology

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University of Bonn
31 December, 2018


Institute of Physics, University of Bonn
Nussallee 12
Bonn 53115
50° 43' 38.892" N, 7° 5' 17.916" E

The recently established quantum metrology research group at the University of Bonn offers


PhD and Postdoc positions


in two different research areas:


Quantum gases of mercury for a measurement of the atomic EDM

Why does the Universe contain more matter than antimatter? The is one of the most pressing questions in fundamental physics, and the explanation appears to be massive CP violation, a phenomenon that shows up as an electric dipole moment (EDM) of fundamental particles. However, all experiments to date were not sensitive enough to measure a non-zero EDM. We aim to improve the sensitivity by taking these classical experiments into the quantum regime: this will allow us to confirm or reject a large class of SUSY theories.

We use ultracold atoms of mercury, cooled into quantum degeneracy, as test particles controlled at the quantum level. Among other technological challenges, this requires the development of UV lasers at 185 and 254 nm. Measurement sensitivity will be improved by employing spin squeezing and other techniques such as entanglement.

The heart of the experiment – precisely controlled ensembles of degenerate fermionic mercury atoms – is a supreme platform also for quantum simulation experiments and advanced optical lattice clocks.


Synchronization of fiber networks with optical clocks

Phase-stable synchronization of optical network nodes over large distances could benefit from the supreme stability of optical clocks. We develop compact and highly stable optical clocks based on the intercombination lines in calcium and zinc, with a target stability in the 10-16 range. Wavelength conversion will connect the atomic transition wavelengths to the telecom band. We set up a network of such clocks, which will then be used in a quantum communication project, as well as for the synchronization of radio telescopes.

It has often been discussed whether the long-term stability of pulsars could be used to complement the short-term stability of optical clocks. In close collaboration with the Max-Planck-Institute for Radio Astronomy, also based in Bonn, we take a new approach to this question.


We offer:

  • PhD and Postdoc positions with secured funding, as well as master thesis projects
  • cutting-edge research in both fundamental physics and technology development
  • a unique research environment at one of Germany’s largest hubs for quantum physics
  • international collaborations and student exchange (Europe, US & Japan)
  • true challenges, scientific rewards, in-depth training and technology development, and lots of fun
  • a very international and multi-cultural environment in the city of Bonn, with active student life

For more information, please enquire with Prof. Simon Stellmer, stellmer [at] uni-bonn [dot] de, or visit our webpage at Positions are open from July 2018.

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