Ph. D. position

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University of Gdansk
3 July, 2015


University of Gdansk, Institute of Theroetical Physics and Astrophysics
Wita Stwosza 57
Gdansk 80-952
54° 23' 44.6496" N, 18° 34' 24.3984" E

We offer two Ph. D positions in the project: New fundamental bounds on correlations of a strictly quantum nature. Various definitions of quantumness and their mutual relations

  1. Institution: University of Gdańsk, Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics
  2. Maximum period of stipend agreement: 36 months
  3. Position starts on: October 1st, 2015.
  4. Stipend’s amount: 3,000 PLN (tax free)
  5. Research tasks of the project:
    • Quantum contextuality as an information-theoretic resource
    • Fundamental properties and computational applications of temporal quantum correlations
    • Quantum steering
    • Bounds on local realism and entanglement
    • Multi-parameter quantum metrology
  6. Profile of candidates:
    • Background in theoretical physics (especially in quantum physics)
    • Good English speaking and writing
  7. Required documents:
    • Curriculum Vitae (The application should highlight the candidate’s scientific achievements, the detailed description of their research experience, the description of foreign traineeships; if available, it should also include a list of publications and presentations in conferences)
  8. Project coordinator: dr hab. Wieslaw Laskowski
  9. Address for applications: wieslaw [dot] laskowski [at] ug [dot] edu [dot] pl
  10. Application deadline: July 3rd, 2015 (or until the position is filled)
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