Master, PhD and Postdocs with the Juffmann group

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University of Vienna
31 May, 2018


Max. F. Perutz Laboratories
Campus Vienna Biocenter 5
Vienna 1030
Phone: +43-1-4277-72520

Richard Feynman once asked physicists to build better microscopes to be able to watch biology at work. We are working at the interface of microscopy, quantum physics and electron optics to develop new imaging techniques.

We are currently hiring talented and highly motivated master students, PhD students, and postdocs to work on one of the following experiments:

  • Cavity enhanced optical microscopy for live cell imaging
  • Electron multi-pass microscopy in collaboration with Stanford University (Kasevich lab) and the Quantum Electron Microscopy collaboration
  • Wave-front shaping techniques for both optical and electron microscopy

You like to:

Ask questions. Think. Answer questions. Take responsibility. Build.

You have a background in physics, optics, engineering, or biology. You are proficient in English and/or German.

What we offer:

  • Fully funded PhD (4yr) and postdoc positions
  • A cutting edge research program (ERC starting grant 2017)
  • International collaborations (Stanford University, ENS Paris, CQT Singapore,..)
  • Possibility to participate in a doctoral school (VDS, CoQuS, MFPL)
  • An interdisciplinary environment at the interface of physics and biology

Please send your application, including a CV, a letter of intent (~1 page), and a letter describing your own contribution to your favorite project (~1 page) to thomas [dot] juffmann [at] univie [dot] ac [dot] at by 31 May 2018.