Lecturer position

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University for Information Science and Technology "St. Paul the Apostle"
26 January, 2011



The University for Information Science and Technology “St. Paul the Apostle” in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, (http://www.uist.edu.mk/) is a newly established State University that employs foreign professors to provide instruction to Macedonian and foreign students in areas of Information Science and Technology. English is the language of instruction in all courses. The beautiful city of Ohrid, nestled on the shore of Ohrid Lake in Macedonia and awarded UNESCO world heritage status in 1979, is stopped in history, boasts a rich cultural heritage, and is acclaimed tourist destination. Indeed, one of the reasons for building the University for Information Science and Technology in Ohrid is to follow “in the ancient footsteps of the first European University, St. Kliment Ohridski” which was built here in the 9th century.

UIST has now one open position in Computer Science and Engineering for the academic year 2010/2011. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, teaching courses, developing and grading tests and quizzes, preparing and presenting lectures, meeting with students outside of class time for additional assistance, designing and evaluating laboratory exercises, and managing teaching assistants and research.

Minimum Qualifications:

  • Ph.D. in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering;
  • Good research experience and publishing at least 3 full research papers in good international journals;
  • Demonstrated teaching ability and experience, excellent oral and written communication skills, and near-native fluency in English;
  • It is also expected that new technologies and programming languages will be incorporated in course materials on a regular basis;
  • Experience with teaching in a multi-cultural environment;

The search will continue until suitable candidate is selected.

Applications should include:

  • a brief cover letter
  • an up-to-date current curriculum vitae with up-to-date publications list;
  • a teaching philosophy (one to two A4 pages)
  • a statement of research (one to two a4 pages)
  • the names and contact information (telephone numbers and e-mail addresses) of three references

The references will be contacted for the shortlisted candidates. Moreover, for the shortlisted candidates, they will be asked to send three articles/conference papers picked from their list by the selection committee. The highest level of confidentiality is guaranteed to all submissions.

UIST offers a generous salary package commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Applications must be submitted electronically as a single PDF file via e-mail to blagoja [dot] samakoski [at] uist [dot] edu [dot] mk