Coupling of SiC color centers to nanophotonic structures

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Ecole Centrale de Lyon and RMIT Melbourne
31 May, 2019


Ecole centrale de Lyon / RMIT Ecully / Melbourne

We seek for an excellent graduate student to postulate for a cotutelle PhD between Ecole centrale de Lyon and RMIT in the framework of COFUND project ECLAUSION

Domain and scientific context: Point-like defects in wide-bandgap materials are attracting intensive research attention owing to prospective applications in quantum technologies (information processing, sensing) and in near infrared spectrum bio-imaging. The reason is three-fold: (i) these defects can be considered as artificial atoms with highly efficient optical transitions (single photon sources realization); (ii) they may encompass charge, orbital and spin degrees of freedom, with possibility for instance of optical control of the spin (Qubit application); (iii) the spin and electronic states can be well isolated from environmental fluctuations leading to record spin coherence. In this context, the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond has become a highly mature system, used for a large range of applications. Nevertheless, since 2010, point defects in SiC have been intensively studied. Indeed, SiC presents advantages for these applications: (i) growth at an industrial scale ; (ii) control of the technological steps for devices realization thanks to the upstream of power electronic applications ; (iii) unparalleled properties making SiC an ideal platform for photonic quantum information processing.

Objectives: The goal of the thesis is to realize and characterize SiC photonics structures (nanopillars, photonic crystals (PhC) cavities) with embedded color centers (Si vacancy (VSi) and Nitrogen - carbon vacancy complex (NCVSi)). The enhancement of photoluminescence (PL) emission both by collection efficiency improvement and/or spontaneous emission rate increase (Purcell effect) will be evaluated and will allow for characterization of optical spin control (Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance experiment) at single defect level. The expected demonstration of the optical spin-control in these structures will allow to use them as building block for applications in integrated quantum nanophotonics circuits. These circuits can be used for quantum sensing and quantum network applications.

More information

Contact persons : Prof. Jean-Marie Bluet Jean-marie [dot] bluet [at] insa-lyon [dot] fr tel: +33 4 72 43 87 32

Ass. Pr. Stefania Castelletto stefania [dot] castelletto [at] rmit [dot] edu [dot] au