6 PhD positions within the Marie Curie Initial Training Network 'Cold Molecular Ions at the Quantum Limit - COMIQ' (2nd Call)

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Basel, Innsbruck, Oxford, Ulm, Düsseldorf, Bonn, Paris
1 September, 2014


Phone: +4523387727
56° 9' 46.5804" N, 10° 12' 14.1156" E



Cold Molecular Ions at the Quantum Limit (COMIQ) is a European network focused at educating Early Stage Researchers (ESR) at the PhD level within a range of advanced cooling, trapping, and control techniques with the purpose of developing cold molecular ion research beyond its present state.
The aim of COMIQ is to investigate and control a variety of molecular ion processes at the very quantum limit. COMIQ will work on establishing cold molecular ions as new quantum objects for applications in quantum technology, precision measurements, and controlled chemistry. The network combines quantum optics, quantum information sciences, molecular physics, and chemical physics in a novel and original fashion.
We therefore invite strong candidates from relevant disciplines to apply for a fellowship. Each fellowship has its own distinct profile and we wish the same for our future ESRs. The network consists of ten partners, both academic and industrial, and all ESRs will be seconded at least once during the fellowship at another partner site.

Eligibility criteria

Research experience 0-4 years counted from the diploma that gives the rights to embark in a doctoral degree. The researcher must not have resided or carried out his/her main activity (work, studies, etc) in the country of his/her host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to his/her recruitment. Short stays, such as holidays, are not taken into account.

How to apply?

Please send a motivated application, marks sheets, and a resume of your Master's project to the supervisor of the project you wish to apply for (contact details are below). Have you not yet finished your Master's degree but expect to do so during Summer 2014, please provide a resume of your academic work so far and indicate when you expect to finish.
Candidates will be selected based on the eligibility criteria and an excellent educational/academic background.

Contact details

ESR3 CNRS Lab Aimé Cotton (Prof. Hilico, hilico [at] spectro [dot] jussieu [dot] fr (subject: COMIQ%20PhD%20position) )
ESR4 U Oxford (Prof. Softley, tim [dot] softley [at] chem [dot] ox [dot] ac [dot] uk (subject: COMIQ%20PhD%20position) )
ESR5 U Düsseldorf (Prof. Schiller, step [dot] schiller [at] uni-duesseldorf [dot] de (subject: COMIQ%20PhD%20position) )
ESR7 U Ulm (Prof. Denschlag, johannes [dot] denschlag [at] uni-ulm [dot] de (subject: COMIQ%20PhD%20position)
ESR8 U Bonn (Prof. Köhl, michael [dot] koehl [at] uni-bonn [dot] de (subject: COMIQ%20PhD%20position)
ESR12 U Basel (Prof. Willitsch, michael [dot] koehl [at] uni-bonn [dot] de (subject: COMIQ%20PhD%20position) )

Other Information

Detailed descriptions of the projects are available at our website: http://itn-comiq.eu/esr-project-descriptions/ Any general questions may be submitted to the administrative contact Celia Haldan Voetmann, celia [at] phys [dot] au [dot] dk (subject: COMIQ%20PhD%20position) .
The network activities are coordinated in Aarhus, Denmark. Further details can be found at our website itn-comiq.eu. Salary is on average 48000 EURO depending on country of Host Institution employing the candidate. 
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