3 years PhD position at the University of Vienna

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Vienna, Austria
31 January, 2012


University of Vienna Wien
48° 12' 29.4264" N, 16° 22' 25.7484" E

One PhD position (3 years) will be available 2012 in the Quantum-Particle Group of Beatrix C. Hiesmayr at the University of Vienna (http://www.quantumparticlegroup.at).

The research aims are developing theoretical classification schemes for entanglement in multipartite systems and finding applications to systems in condensed matter physics, biology and particle physics. Candidates applying for the PhD position are expected to have an excellent mathematical background and a basic theoretical background on entanglement in bipartite and multipartite systems. To get an idea, please consult

  • "Criterion for k-separability in mixed multipartite systems" Quantum Information & Computation (QIC) 10, No. 9 & 10, pp0829-0836 (2010)
  • "Detection of high-dimensional genuine multi-partite entanglement of mixed states" Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 210501 (2010)
  • "A Computable Criterion for Partial Entanglement in Continuous Variable Quantum Systems" Phys. Rev. A 83, 052318 (2011)

Further relevant publications for the project can be found at http://www.quantumparticlegroup.at.

The group is pursuing interdisciplinary research aims and it is expected that the successful candidate is active in co-supervising Diploma students. The group currently consists of 1PostDoc, 3PhDs, 8 Diploma students and several Bachelor students and is engaged in several international collaborations. The successful PhD candidate will perform its PhD at the University of Vienna.

Position can start with March 2012 but the starting date can be negotiated. The deadline of applications is 31st January 2012, but applications after this date will be accepted until the position is filled. Later on there also will be a PostDoc position offered. A detailed and concise motivation letter including a summary of previous research and scientific activities, a CV, certificates, a list of publications and at least two letters of reference should be sent to Beatrix [dot] Hiesmayr [at] univie [dot] ac [dot] at. Informal inquires as well to this email address.

The position is within the approved project “Classification of Quantum Entanglement in Complex Systems and Applications” of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF-P23627). Salaries can be found at http://www.fwf.ac.at/de/projects/personalkostensaetze.html.

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