2 open PhD student positions in the Mathematical Quantum Physics group

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Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Innsbruck, Austria
20 December, 2019


Institute for Theoretical Physics
Technikerstr. 21a
Innsbruck 6020
The Mathematical Quantum Physics group at the University of Innsbruck (led by Gemma De las Cuevas) is inviting applications to fill in 2 PhD student positions. The work will be at the intersection of mathematical physics and quantum many-body physics. Candidates must have completed an excellent Master Thesis in Physics or Mathematics (or both), and must be highly motivated. Applications of women are encouraged. Applicants should send their CV, their degree's grades, a reference letter of their Master Thesis supervisor and a short motivation text to gemma [dot] delascuevas [at] uibk [dot] ac [dot] at at their earliest convenience. The earliest starting date is January 1, 2020. For more information visit:  https://www.uibk.ac.at/th-physik/delascuevas_group/open-positions/open-positions.html