15 PhD positions for Marie Curie ETN in Optomechanical Technologies

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Austria - Belgium - Denmark - Finland - France - Germany - Italy - The Netherlands - Switzerland
30 June, 2017


Austria - Belgium - Denmark - Finland - France - Germany - Italy - The Netherlands - Switzerland Vienna – Ghent – Copenhagen – Espoo – Paris – Meudon – Erlangen – Hamburg – Konstanz – Stuttgart – Delft – Lausanne


Unique PhD Experience

Within the framework of the EU H2020 Marie Curie European Training Network (ETN) “Optomechanical Technologies OMT” (www.omt-etn.net), there are 15 open positions for PhD students in the field of Cavity Optomechanics.  We strongly encourage female researchers to apply.

You will:

  • be supervised by an expert in this field;
  • take charge of an exciting research project;
  • research in close collaboration with partners within the Marie Curie European Training Network;
  • participate in innovative training modules, including a series of hands-on workshops that provide technical, transferable and presentation skills, international conferences, and outreach activities.


The OMT research focuses on optomechanical technologies (new technologies based on optomechanical physics) and aims to advance the state-of-the art in the field by exploring several new frontiers:

  • chip-scale microwave to optical conversion schemes
  • dissipative optomechanical systems for low noise amplification and novel non-reciprocal microwave components
  • optomechanical devices with novel 2D materials
  • making optomechanical systems practical, bridging the gap from research to market


The ETN - OMT team involves 14 partners from 9 European countries. Marie Curie Fellows enjoy the benefits of full social security, competitive monthly living, mobility and family allowance.

The program provides an excellent opportunity for students to participate in network-wide training in both scientific and transferable skills at different locations throughout Europe with leading scientists in the field, including secondments to our industrial and academic partners.


Degree: Master in Physics or equivalent
Language: English proficiency (oral and written)

We are looking for motivated researchers with MSc degrees in Physics (early stage researcher) with excellent experimental and theoretical skills as well as good team spirit. 

ETN Eligibility Rules

The applicant must not have resided or carried out his/her main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of his/her host organization for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to his/her recruitment.

At the time of recruitment by the host organisation, the researcher must be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of his/her research career and have not been awarded a doctoral degree.


Your application should include AS A SINGLE PDF file:  a letter emphasizing your specific interest, qualifications and motivation to apply for this position, a detailed CV, publication list (if any), contact details of at least two referees, and academic transcripts of BSc and MSc grades.

Send your application to omt [at] epfl [dot] ch, stating your preferred OMT partner to whom you wish to apply.

The following 14 partners from academia and industry are involved in this ETN project:

  • Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Prof. Tobias Kippenberg, Coordinator)
  • University of Copenhagen (Prof. Albert Schliesser)
  • Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Prof. Florian Marquardt)
  • Aalto University (Prof. Pertti Hakonen)
  • Università degli Studi di Camerino (Prof. David Vitali)
  • University of Vienna (Prof. Markus Aspelmeyer)
  • University of Hamburg (Prof. Roman Schnabel)
  • Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris (Prof. Antoine Heidmann)
  • Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (Dr. Rémy Braive)
  • University of Konstanz (Prof. Eva Weig)
  • Ghent University (Prof. Dries Van Thourhout)
  • Delft University of Technology (Prof. Gary Steele)
  • IBM Research Zurich GmbH  (Dr. Paul Seidler)
  • Robert Bosch GmbH (Dr. Francisco Hernandez)