Edinburgh Instruments

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Founded in 1971 by Professor S. D. Smith OBE FRS, FRSE, FinstP, Edinburgh Instruments Ltd has become a recognised supplier of high performance, trusted product solutions. We were formed as the first spin-out from Heriot-Watt University and were the first private company on Britain's first University "Research Park”.

Following rapid expansion, by the 1980s a full range of infrared and far infrared gas lasers (CW and pulsed CO2 and CO lasers and optically pumped TeraHertz lasers) were made available to the market.

As pioneers of Time Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC), in 1978 the company developed a Fluorescence Lifetime Spectrometer system based around the successful nanosecond flashlamp. This product range has culminated in the development of the latest computer controlled, combined Steady State and Fluorescence Lifetime Spectrometers on the market: the FLS980 Series is truly a world class, state of the art fluorescence laboratory in a single instrument.

Product diversification continued with the development of CO, CO2 and CH4 gas sensors. Based on interference filter based non-dispersive infrared technology these devices are available as OEM cards or complete monitoring and detection packages, supplied through the Sensors Division.


2 Bain Square
Livingston EH54 7DQ
United Kingdom