XVII Conference on Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2014)

2014-02-03 - 2014-02-07
Barcelona, Spain

The XVII Conference on Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2014) will take place in Barcelona (AXA Auditorium) on 03-07 February 2014.


Registration is now open. Anyone interested to attend is invited to register thought the official website:



The official website also contains all the relevant information about the conference, including a selection of hotels that offer a limited number of rooms at special prices for QIP 2014 participants. We encourage all participants to register and book accommodation as soon as possible to take advantage of the early registration fee and these accommodation offers.


QIP 2014 will feature plenary talks, contributed talks, and a poster session. In addition, there will be a rump session with short informal talks. Call for contributed talks and posters is also open through EasyChair. Detailed instructions can be found in QIP 2014 website. Important dates are:


- Submission of talks deadline: October 15

- Submission of posters deadline: November 30

- Decision on talks and posters submitted before October 15: November 22

- Decision on posters submitted after October 15: December 06


We look forward to seeing you all in Barcelona,


Antonio Acín (ICFO)
Emilio Bagan (UAB) (Chair)
John Calsamiglia (UAB)
José Ignacio Latorre (UB)
Maciej Lewenstein (ICFO)
Ramón Muñóz-Tapia (UAB)
Anna Sanpera (UAB)
Andreas Winter (UAB)


Antonio Acin

ICREA Professor

ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences

Mediterranean Technology Park

Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 3

08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain

T: +34 93 553 40 62

F: +34 93 553 40 00

E: Antonio [dot] Acin [at] icfo [dot] es

I: www.icfo.es


AXA Auditorium Barcelona