Workshop on Modern Aspects of Quantum Physics

2018-10-01 - 2018-10-05
Registration deadline: 
2018-08-30 (All day)
Ruder Boskovic Institute, Zagreb
The scope of the workshop is to gather young researchers and experts in new frontiers of quantum and statistical physics, to share their activities on the forefront of these fields, promote the exchange of ideas, and foster the creation of new collaborations.
To this aim, the workshop will feature discussion sessions and a poster session, in addition to the invited and a few contributed presentations: everyone will be given the opportunity to present her/his work, either as an oral or poster presentation, and to participate in the conversation.
Topics of the workshop cover, but are not limited to,
- non-equilibrium, quentched, driven, and open quantum systems
- quantum interference, coherence, entanglement, non-local correlations, and indistinguishability
- disordered systems, random matrices
- fundamental aspects of quantum physics, their mathematical representation, and experimental advances
in all their theoretical and practical implementations.


Ruder Boskovic Institute
Bijenička cesta 54
Zagreb 10000
Poster.pdf1.97 MB