Workshop on Hybrid Atomic Quantum Systems

2015-09-28 - 2015-09-30
Registration deadline: 
2015-07-05 (All day)
Center for Quantum Optical Technologies of the University of Hamburg in Germany.

This workshop is generously founded by the cluster of excellence The Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging and by the collaborative project SFB/TRR21 Control of Quantum Correlations in Tailored Matter of the German Research Foundation, and by the Integrated Project Simulators and Interfaces with Quantum Systems of the European Union.


The workshop will be held from September 28th to 30th, 2015, at the Center for Quantum Optical Technologies of the University of Hamburg in Germany.


The workshop will explore the physics of hybrid atomic quantum systems, with particular focus on atom-ion systems. The topics include general aspects such as


  • Few- and many-body physics with long-range interactions
  • Cold quantum chemistry
  • Ultracold ion sources
  • Trapping technology of charge particles
  • Rydberg and molecular physics
  • Quantum optics and simulation


The workshop will bring together leading experts in these fields 



  • Walter Hofstetter, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Germany
  • Zbigniew Idziaszek, Univesity of Warsaw, Poland
  • Paul Julienne, University of Maryland and Joint Quantum Institute, USA
  • Svetlana Kotochigova, Temple University, Philadelphia; USA
  • Carlos Lobo, Southhampton University, England
  • Hossein Sadeghpour, Harvard University and Institute for Theoretical Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, Boston, USA



  • Johannes Denschlag, Universität Ulm, Germany
  • Michael Drewsen, Århus Universitet, Denmark
  • Rene Gerritsma, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Germany
  • Michael Köhl, Universität Bonn, Germany
  • Herwig Ott, Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany
  • Tilman Pfau, Universität Stuttgart, Germany
  • Tobias Schätz, Universität Freiburg, Germany
  • Melanie Schnell, Max-Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Germany
  • Roland Wester, Universität Innsbruck, Austria


The workshop language will be English. Please, note that the total number of participants is limited. The organizers invite PhD students, postdoctoral reserachers and senior researchers to apply and to contribute to the poster session. A few slots for short oral presentations will be also available (about 15 minutes). Female researchers are particularly encouraged, since all the funding projects seek to support women in science.

The workshop will be held in the seminar room (ground floor) of the Center for Optical Quantum Technology.



Center for optical quantum technologies Hamburg D-22761
53° 34' 4.2708" N, 9° 54' 42.7428" E
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