Thematic Month on Quantum Information theory

2013-06-17 - 2013-07-17
Institute of Mathematical Science, ICMAT (Madrid)

We are very pleased to announce a thematic month on Quantum Information theory:

2013 is the “Year of Analysis” at the Institute of Mathematical Science, ICMAT (Madrid). As a part of the activities there will be a thematic period about QUANTUM INFORMATION THEORY* from 17^th June to 17^th July (2013).

This period will be divided into 4 topics (one week each):

  1. Banach space tools in quantum information (17^th June- 22^nd June),
  2. Quantum channels (24^th June- 29^th June),
  3. Quantum foundations and quantum cryptography (1^st July- 6^th July),
  4. Non-local games and Bell inequalities (8^th July- 13^th July).

Along the four weeks, there will be just one invited talk per day in order to leave plenty of time for discussion. The list of invited speakers includes (most of them already confirmed):
S. Szarek, A. Montanaro, A. Harrow, G. Aubrun, A. Defant, S. Pirandola, A. Winter, F. Brandao, M. Wolf, M. Horodecki, A. Acín, Ll. Masanes, S. Wehner, C. Schaffner, T, Vértesi, R. de Wolf, H. Buhrman, K. Matsumoto, S. Beigi, T. Vidick.

With best regards.
Marius Junge, Carlos Palazuelos and David Pérez-García.

* This research month is part of a bimester on "Operator algebra methods in harmonic analysis and quantum information". The first half of the bimester (May 20 - June 14) will be focused towards operator algebras and harmonic analysis. All these events will be announced in a web page and we will provide the link in due time.


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