Quantum Integrable Systems and Quantum Information

2013-08-18 - 2013-08-24
Dungarvan, Ireland

The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS), in collaboration with Chalmers University, Gothenburg (Sweden), is organising a summer school on "Quantum Integrable Systems and Quantum Information Theory" from 18-24 August 2013.

The School is aimed at postgraduate students and young researchers, as well as at higher level undergraduate students with an interest in quantum systems and/or quantum information theory.

The school will take place in Lawlor's Hotel, Dungarvan. Students are expected to fund their own flight and accommodation but all other costs are covered by the Institute, including speakers, coffees/teas and a bus which will be organised from Dublin airport to Dungarvan on Sunday 18th, returning Saturday 24th August.

The speakers are: Prof. Vladimir Korepin (Stony Brook, NY), Prof. Simon Ruysenaars (Leeds, UK), Prof. Henrik Johannesson (Gothenburg), Dr. Mark Wilde (State Univ. Louisianna) and Dr. Nilanjana Datta (Cambridge).

For more information on the School, including registration, please visit its webpage:

http://www.dias.ie/summerschool2013 , or contact Mary Brennan at DIAS, 01-6140122.


Lawlors Hotel
Bridge Street