Quantum Effects in Biological Systems Workshop 2013

2013-06-29 - 2013-07-03
Vienna, Austria

With great pleasure we would like to announce our upcoming Quantum Effects in Biological Systems Workshop 2013, which will be held between 29. June – 3. July 2013 in Vienna, Austria.

As the previous four workshops, our meeting will cover the latest developments in the inter-disciplinary field studying quantum mechanical phenomena in biological and chemical structures central to life. This year, our meeting will be held at the Institute for Molecular Biotechnology (IMBA), which together with other institutes, comprises the Vienna BioCampus (VBC).

By choosing this venue, we aim to further engage the biology community in our research efforts while providing a stimulating environment for physicists and chemist to identify further potential areas of research. There will be plenty of time for brainstorming and discussions during the event and we added new topics focused at fostering the collaboration within this truly interdisciplinary field.

For further information please visit our website http://quebs-2013.imp.ac.at.

Deadline for abstract submission is 15. April 2013.

We look forward to welcome you soon in Vienna,
with my best wishes,

Alipasha Vaziri (on behalf of the organizing commitee)


Institute for Molecular Biotechnology
Dr.-Bohr-Gasse 5
Vienna 1030
48° 11' 20.9328" N, 16° 24' 4.752" E
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