"Quantum Critical Matter - From Atoms to Bulk" (QCM14)

2014-08-18 - 2014-08-23
Registration deadline: 
2014-06-17 (All day)
Obergurgl, Austria

"Quantum Critical Matter - From Atoms to Bulk" (QCM14)

to be held in Obergurgl, Austria, from August 18 to 23, 2014.

27 top experts from the fields of ultracold quantum gases, nanostructured and mesoscopic systems, and strongly correlated bulk materials have confirmed their participation as invited speakers (see workshop poster at http://transidee-conference.uibk.ac.at/QCMatoms2bulk14/images/QCM14_post...).

Don't miss this event and register at the website


May 17: Abstract submission deadline for grants June 17: Regular abstract submission June 17: Early-bird registration deadline August 18: Arrival August 19-23: Scientific program (school + workshop)

QCM14 is set up as highly interactive meeting and we would like to strongly encourage you to actively contribute to the event:

1) Posters will play an important role. The poster sessions will be followed by poster discussion sessions where particularly interesting/intriguing aspects of certain posters can be discussed in a larger forum. Please submit an abstract! (see website)

2) The event will feature open format sessions. We invite you to propose a topic for your short presentation.If necessary, precedence will be given to early stage researches.(see website)

We look forward to welcoming you in Obergurgl this summer!

the organizing team
Silke Buehler-Paschen, Vienna
Rudi Grimm, Innsbruck
Stefan Kirchner, Dresden

The event is sponsored by: Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, ICAM-I2CAM, Project QuantumPuzzle - European Research Council, Solids4Fun - FWF Doctoral School, University of Innsbruck, Vienna University of Technology.


46° 52' 12.576" N, 11° 1' 38.28" E
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