Quantum Certification Conference (QUACC) aims to attract researchers working on widely understood quantum certification, and to inspire vivid scientific discussions and foster new collaborations. During the conference, attendees will have an opportunity to contribute a short talk (20 + 5 min) or a poster as well as listen to the invited talks (45 + 5 min) from the prominent researchers in the field.
QUACC is a part of the QuantERA project “Verification of Quantum Technologies, Applications and Systems” (https://veriqtas.cft.edu.pl/), and so it is also an opportunity for meeting between the research groups forming VERIqTAS consortium.
For details visit the conference website: https://quacc2023.cft.edu.pl/
You might also want to contact us at quacc2023 [at] cft [dot] edu [dot] pl in case you have some questions or need any assistance.
August 25, 2023: Abstracts submission for contributed talks and posters closes
September 15, 2023: Notification of contributed talk acceptance
September 22, 2023: Notification of posters acceptance and final program announced
October 15, 2023: Registration closes
October 20, 2023: Payment deadline
November 6 – 8, 2023: Conference
Mariami Gachechiladze (TU Darmstadt)
Richard Kueng (Johannes Kepler University Linz)
Marcin Pawłowski (University of Gdańsk)
Marc-Olivier Renou (Inria Paris-Saclay, Palaiseau)
Ivan Šupić (Sorbonne University, Paris)
Mirjam Weilenmann (University of Geneva)
Antonio Acín (ICFO, Castelldefels)
Omar Fawzi (Inria, Lyon)
Laura Mančinska (University of Copenhagen)
Miguel Navascués (Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Vienna)
Stefano Pironio (University of Brussels)