QIPC 2011

2011-09-05 - 2011-09-09
Zurich, Switzerland

Dear colleagues,

you and your group members are cordially invited to participate in the international conference on Quantum Information Processing and Communication (QIPC) 2011 to be held at ETH Zurich from September 5-9, 2011.

The program committee has selected an exciting range of speakers covering the diverse aspects of the field of quantum information science and technology. Detailed information about the conference can be found on the website www.qipc2011.ethz.ch.

In addition to the set program the possibility is offered to submit abstracts to be selected as hot topic talks held in the plenum or contributed talks presented in parallel sessions. Abstracts for poster presentations may be submitted too.

Registration and abstract submission deadlines are May 15, 2011. Please consider registering early to secure your participation in this conference which in past years has reached its capacity limits. It is advisable to book accommodation for the duration of the conference at your earliest convenience because Zurich is a popular tourist and business destination.

Prior to the conference, we are hosting a QIPC 2011 School in the Swiss Alps that is aimed at introducing early stage graduate students to the main research topics of the conference. Lecturers are listed on the conference web site. As space is limited to approximately 50 participants, interested students are requested to apply early through the conference web site. Students must register for the main conference too.

We also invite you to make use of the conference poster to draw the attention of your students and colleagues to this event which strives to bring together leading scientist and young researchers alike.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to Zurich

With best regards
Andreas Wallraff and Atac Imamoglu, for the organizing and program committees


ETH Zurich
Schafmattstrasse 16
Zurich 8093
47° 24' 35.982" N, 8° 30' 33.7176" E
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