Non-equilibrium quantum dynamics in low dimensions: Mini-Conference

2015-07-20 - 2015-07-22
Registration deadline: 
2015-04-14 (All day)
Durham University, UK

Non-equilibrium quantum dynamics in low dimensions: Mini-Conference at Durham University, UK, 20 - 22 July 2015

We invite researchers and research students to attend a three-day conference on non-equilibrium quantum dynamics in low dimensions, held in Durham (UK) from 20 - 22 July 2015. The conference is hosted by the Joint Quantum Centre Durham-Newcastle (

Leading national and international researchers will present their research. Focus topics include the Kibble-Zurek mechanism in 2D Bose gases, spin squeezing and entanglement, many-body equilibrium phases of spinor condensates, and collisions and dynamics of bright matter-wave solitons. Confirmed keynote speakers include Jean Dalibard and Randy Hulet.

The scientific programme will be held on the Science Site of Durham University, with accommodation (for two nights) provided a short walk away at St. Aidan's College. On Tuesday evening the conference banquet will take place in the historic Durham Castle. The conference fee includes meals, tea/coffee.

Participants who would like to attend the conference should register their interest by sending an email to noneqquant [dot] conference [at] durham [dot] ac [dot] uk before *15 April 2015*. To be considered for a poster presentation or contributed talk, please attach an abstract of your contribution (see Applications from postgraduate students and early-stage researchers are particularly welcome. Places are limited and early registration is strongly encouraged.

The event is partially sponsored by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the IoP Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Group and the IoP Quantum Optics, Quantum Information and Quantum Control Group.

We hope to see you at the JQC.

Simon Cornish, Nick Parker and Christoph Weiss (Conference organisers)

Non-equilibrium quantum dynamics in low dimensions
Mini-Conference at Durham University, UK, 20th - 22nd July 2015
e-mail: noneqquant [dot] conference [at] durham [dot] ac [dot] uk


Durham University Durham
United Kingdom
54° 46' 30.9" N, 1° 35' 5.4672" W
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