Lorentz Center workshop on Correlation and Order in Rydberg Gases

2016-05-30 - 2016-06-03
Registration deadline: 
2016-02-29 (All day)
Leiden, The Netherlands

We are pleased to announce the Workshop on

Correlation and Order in Rydberg Gases

to be held at the Lorentz Center (Leiden, The Netherlands)
from 30 May through 3 June, 2016.

For further information and registration, see
Deadline for registration: February 29, 2016.

Description and aim:
Rydberg atoms are highly attractive as the mediators of interactions in a quantum simulation and quantum information context. Their interaction is strong even at large distance, and can be controlled through laser excitation.

Quantum Simulators aim to provide new levels of understanding of equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium properties of many-body quantum systems, one of the most challenging problems in contemporary physics. While quantum simulators are being developed in a wide variety of physical implementations, Rydberg atoms receive strong attention, because of their unique properties.

In this workshop we will concentrate on the features that distinguish Rydberg systems in the landscape of emerging quantum simulator hardware.

We will explore what problems in quantum simulation are particularly well suited to be addressed with Rydberg systems. We will pay extra attention to ordered systems, including lattices of Rydberg atoms.

Scientific organizers:
Antoine Browaeys (Paris, France)
Klaasjan van Druten (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Servaas Kokkelmans (Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
Klaus Mølmer (Aarhus, Denmark)
Robert Spreeuw (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)


Lorentz Center Leiden
52° 9' 36.4104" N, 4° 29' 49.236" E
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