Lisbon Training Workshop on Quantum Technologies in Space, 11-14 September, 2017

2017-09-11 - 2017-09-14
Registration deadline: 
2017-06-16 (All day)
Instituto Superior Técnico, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon Training Workshop on Quantum Technologies in Space

11-14 September 2017, Lisbon, Portugal

The deadline for registration and for poster contributions has been extended until 16 JUNE 2017.

The Lisbon Training Workshop on Quantum Technologies in Space aims at training researchers, as well as private and public sector stakeholders, interested in this emerging domain, and thus also contribute to building this new multidisciplinary scientific & technological community.

The workshop is organized in the context of, and is supported by, the COST Action "Quantum Technologies in Space" (QTSpace).
Financial support is available for young researchers.

The list of invited speakers includes:

Special Evening Lecture

Invited Tutorials

  • Christoph Marquardt (Max Planck Institute, Erlangen): Tutorial on Quantum Communication in Space
  • Ulrich Johann (Airbus D&S, Friedrichshafen): Tutorial on Fundamental Science in Space
  • Antoine Heidmann (Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Paris): Tutorial on Quantum-enhanced Measurements

Invited Talks

For registration and more information, see the event web site:

We look forward to seeing you in Lisbon!

The organizers,
Rainer Kaltenbaek (Vienna), Yasser Omar (Lisbon), Jose Leitao (Lisbon), Eamonn Murphy (ESA)


Instituto Superior Técnico
Av. Rovisco Pais 1
Lisbon 1049-001
38° 44' 14.7696" N, 9° 8' 13.2396" W
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