Kickoff Workshop: COST Action Nanoscale Quantum Optics (NQO)

2015-04-09 - 2015-04-10
Registration deadline: 
2015-03-01 (All day)
Belgrade, Serbia

The Kickoff Workshop of the COST Action Nanoscale Quantum Optics (NQO), which will take place at the Kolarac Foundation ( in Belgrade on April 9-10, 2015.

At the end of this email you will find the workshop program and a flyer that you could display at your Institution and/or forward it to people who may be interested in can be downloaded via the dropbox link:

Please submit your abstract to cost-nqo [at] uni-siegen [dot] de, indicating the working group (WG) that fits you, no later than 1st of March.

Accepted contributors will be reimbursed according to COST rules (travel, accommodation).
Details and procedures will be communicated with the acceptance letter.

For the formation of WGs and further questions, you are encouraged to contact the WG Leaders:
WG1 - Felix Bussieres - felix [dot] bussieres [at] unige [dot] ch
WG2 - Walther Pfeiffer - pfeiffer [at] physik [dot] uni-bielefeld [dot] de
WG3 - Thomas Durt - thomas [dot] durt [at] centrale-marseille [dot] fr
WG4 - Peter Rabl - peter [dot] rabl [at] ati [dot] ac [dot] at

Early stage researchers (ESR) are particularly encouraged to submit abstracts.
Moreover, those who are interested in contributing to the preparation of the ESR Workshop, which will take place this Fall in Malta,
should readily contact our ESR Advisor - Andre Xuereb - andre [dot] xuereb [at] gmail [dot] com

Thank you for your kind attention.

Mario Agio - Chair
Susana Huelga - Vice Chair


8th April – Photonics Centre
13:00 – Informal Visit to Photonics Centre, University of Belgrade

9th April – Kolarac Foundation
8:30 – Welcome to Participants
Local Organizer - Brana Jelenkovic (Serbia)
Action Vice Chair - Susana Huelga (Germany)

8:45 – Introduction to COST Association and COST Action NQO
Action Chair - Mario Agio (Germany and Italy)
Gender Balance Advisor – Irene D’Amico (United Kingdom)
Early Stage Res. Advisor – André Xuereb (Malta)

9:10 – Guest Speakers
Jelena Vuckovic (USA)
Nenad Vukmirovic (Serbia)
Dejan Pantelic (Serbia)

10:10 – Coffee Break

10:30 – Technical Session (WG1)
WG1 Leader - Félix Bussieres (Switzerland)
Invited - Mete Atatüre (United Kingdom)
5 Contributed Talks

12:30 – Free Lunch

14:00 – Technical Session (WG2)
WG2 Leader - Walther Pfeiffer (Germany)
Invited – Christoph Lienau (Germany)
5 Contributed Talks

16:00 – Coffee Break

16:20 – Poster Session & MC Meeting

19:30 – Conference Dinner

10th April – Kolarac Foundation
8:50 – Industry, Education and Training
Education and Training Adv. - Darrick Chang (Spain)
Industry Adv. - Sander Dorenbos (The Netherlands)
Invited – Val Zwiller (The Netherlands)
Invited – Bert Offrein (Switzerland)

10:10 – Coffee Break

10:30 – Technical Session (WG3)
WG3 Leader – Thomas Durt (France)
Invited – Paola Cappellaro (USA and Italy)
5 Contributed Talks

12:30 – Free Lunch

14:00 – Technical Session (WG4)
WG4 Leader – Peter Rabl (Austria)
Invited – Giovanna Morigi (Germany)
5 Contributed Talks

16:00 – Closing Remarks


Kolarac Foundation Belgrade
Serbia And Montenegro