International Conference on Integrated Quantum Photonics

2017-09-26 - 2017-09-29
Registration deadline: 
2017-06-30 (All day)
Rome, Italy
The Conference is organized in the framework of two European PICQUE ( and QUCHIP ( projects and will serve as final conference to both projects. The scientific program foresees tutorial lectures, invited seminars on scientific results, oral contributions and posters.
Registration fees
Early PhD registration € 240 (before 30 June2017)
Late PhD registration € 280
Early full registration € 320 (before 30 June2017)
Early full registration €360
Invited Tutorials
Scott Aaronson, MIT
Elham Kashefi, University of Edinburgh
Invited Speakers
Konrad Banaszek,University of Warsaw
Stefanie Barz, University of Stuttgart
Borivoje Dakic, University of Vienna
Eleni Diamanti, CNRS – Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
Sara Ducci, Université Paris 7-CNRS
Dirk Englund, MIT
Andrea Fiore, Universiteit Eindhoven
Alessandro Gaggero IFN-CNR
David Gross,University of Cologne
Steven Kolthammer, University of Oxford
Peter Lodahl, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
Loïc Lanco, University Paris Diderot/CNRS
Alan L Migdall, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD
Roberto Morandotti, INRS-EMT
Roberto Osellame, IFN-CNR
Alberto Politi, University of Southampton
Christine Silberhorn, University of Paderborn
Andrew Shields, Toshiba Research Europe Ltd
Sebastien Tanzilli, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis
Mark Thompson, University of Bristol
Philip Walther, University of Vienna
Nathan Wiebe, Microsoft Research
Fabio Sciarrino, PICQUE and QUCHIP Project Coordinator, University of Rome La Sapienza
Scientific Committee
Anthony Laing, University of Bristol
Roberto Osellame, IFN-CNR
Christine Silberhorn, University of Paderborn
Ian Walmsley, University of Oxford
Philip Walther, University of Vienna
Local Organizing Committee
Giuliana Pensa, PICQUE and QUCHIP Project Manager, University of Rome La Sapienza
Organising Secretariat
Scientific Communication srl, info [at] jeangilder [dot] it