I Benasque School on Quantum Optics and Nonlinear Optics

2014-10-05 - 2014-10-10
Registration deadline: 
2014-08-15 (All day)
Benasque, Spain
The school aims at broadening and deepening the training of PhD and Master students interested in the fields of quantum optics and nonlinear optics. The school is organized around five long lectures given by renowned specialists. This format allows moving slowly from basic principles to recent advances in each of the topics, giving a high educational value to the school. In order to motivate the active participation of the students the school includes a poster session and reserved time-slots for working sessions.
C. Fabre (LKB and U. Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France). Multimode quantum optics 
J. García-Ripoll (CSIC, Madrid, Spain). Circuit quantum electrodynamics 
U. Leonhardt (Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel). Transformation optics and metamaterials 
F. Mitschke (U. Rostock, Rostock, Germany). Soliton molecules and optical rogue waves 
L. Tarruell (ICFO, Barcelona, Spain). Cold atoms in optical lattices
G. J. de Valcárcel (U. de València)
V. Ahufinger (U. Autònoma de Barcelona)
R. Corbalán (U. Autònoma de Barcelona)
H. Michinel (U. de Vigo)
J. P. Torres (U. Politècnica de Catalunya and ICFO)
The registration fee for the school (400€) includes:
  • Transportation from and to Barcelona city and airport (on Sunday October 5th afternoon and Friday October 10th morning), with possible stop at Lleida for those traveling via Madrid. 
  • Welcome lunch and social dinner 
  • Beers and beverages during the poster session 
  • 8 coffee breaks 
  • Usage of desk and computer facilities at the Pere Pascual center


Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual
Av. Francia 17
Benasque 22440
42° 36' 14.3532" N, 0° 31' 29.3232" E
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