FOMO-2014 (Frontiers on Matter Wave Optics 2014)

2014-09-29 - 2014-10-03
Cretan Mountains at Enagron, Crete, Greece

FOMO-2014 (Frontiers on Matter Wave Optics 2014)
Registration Open

The deBroglie waves evolved from textbook experiments on the foundations of quantum mechanics to a new kind of optics based on matter waves. Today, this field extends from experiments about the wave-particle dualism and decoherence, over coherent optics, non-linear optics, quantum atom optics and optics in periodic media to precision measurements.

Tailoring waves of all kind of matter and generation of complex matter-waves promises to perpetuate the fascination of this field over the next decade.

Scope of the summer school:
The summer school aims at providing a strong background in matter-wave physics to those starting in the field, be it PhD students or early stage post-docs. The school will consist of a series of in-depth lectures by leading theorists and experimentalists in the field.

The summer school will be on the island of Crete in Greece in the mountains close to Heraklion.

For further information please visit our website:

Best wishes

Wolf von Klitzing
(Local organiser)

Scientific Committee:
John Close, Canberra, Australia
Massimo Inguscio, Florence, Italy
Mark Kasevich, Stanford, USA
Markus Oberthaler, Heidelberg, Germany
Jakob Reichel, Paris, France
Franck Pereira Dos Santos, Paris, France
Christophe Salomon, Paris, France
Augusto Smerzi, Trento, Italy
Wolf von Klitzing, Crete, Greece
Peter Zoller, Innsbruck, Austria

Organizing Committee
Markus Arndt, University of Vienna, Austria
Philippe Bouyer, Université Bordeaux, France
Wolfgang Ertmer, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
Wolf von Klitzing, Crete, Greece
Ernst Rasel, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
Wolfgang Schleich, Universität Ulm, Germany
Andrea Trombettoni, Trieste, Italy


Cretan Mountains at Enagron close to Heraklion, Crete