Cryocourse 2018: international school on cryogenics, microwave measurements and low temperature engineering for quantum technology

2018-09-21 - 2018-09-26
Registration deadline: 
2018-06-29 (All day)
Aalto University, Otaniemi, Espoo, Finland

Cryocourse is a series of scools dating back to 2002. It has been organized around the Europe approximately every second year. Cryocourse provides training in advanced cryogenic techniques by most knowledgeable and distinguished scientists in the field. In addition to low temperature physics, the school is valuable for young scientists, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers working on solid state quantum technology, developing new applications of low noise amplification, novel quantum components, and microwave measurements at single quantum level.

The participation fee is 100 €, including daily warm lunch, coffee between sessions, and recreational activities indicated in the program. Travel and accommodation must be covered by the participants themselves.

Registration and more information on the school website.


Aalto University
Otakaari 1
Espoo 02150
60° 11' 10.518" N, 24° 49' 42.3516" E
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