Conference on Resonator QED

2013-09-09 - 2013-09-13
Munich, Germany

Dear Colleagues,

we are pleased to announce the upcoming "Conference on Resonator QED", which will be held in Munich (Germany) in the week of 9-13 September, 2013. The conference is organized in the framework of CCQED (Circuit and Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics), an Initial Training Network (ITN) funded by the European Union.

Topics of the conference will cover

  • Circuit QED
  • Single atom cavity QED
  • Cavity optomechanics
  • QED without cavity
  • Multiatom cavity QED
  • Photonic crystal cavity QED
  • Quantum information processing with CCQED systems
  • Hybrid CCQED systems

Each topic will be introduced with a tutorial, and followed by several invited or contributed talks. In addition, two poster sessions are planned. Please apply for a contribution, if you would like to be part of our scientific program. More details can be found at

We expect attendants from the circuit and cavity QED communities in Europe and the world. In order to keep a relaxed and informal atmosphere and to encourage discussions between participants of different fields and different career levels, we limit the total number of participants to about 120. SIGN UP NOW, to reserve your spot at the conference, and to benefit from the early registration discount!

We are looking forward to welcome you in Munich in September,
Tatjana Wilk

on behalf of the Program Committee:
Peter Domokos (Wigner I Budapest)
Rudolf Gross (WMI Garching)
Gerhard Rempe (MPQ Garching)


Kardinal Wendel Haus
Mandlstraße 23
Munich 80802