CEQIP |202⟩|++⟩

2023-09-05 - 2023-09-08
Registration deadline: 
2023-06-22 (All day)
Smolenice castle, Smolenice, Slovakia

Some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth. And for two and a half years, the CEQIP passed out of all knowledge... But now it is now back as CEQIP |202⟩|++⟩ to cover all the years it was forgotten!

We are happy to announce the comeback of the Central European Quantum Information Processing (CEQIP) workshop later this year! CEQIP |202⟩|++⟩ will be held at Smolenice, Slovakia between Tuesday 5th and Friday 8th of September 2023. Furthermore, as of Friday 14th of April (the World Quantum Day), we are open for submissions.

CEQIP workshops are traditionally focused on current challenges and paradigms of mathematical and computational aspects of emerging quantum technologies. One of its strengths is the traditionally strong social program creating very friendly and creative atmosphere. In addition to a traditional wine tasting and a cipher game we plan to visit the surrounding natural wonders.

The conference website is now up at http://ceqip.eu/2023/ .

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Invited Speakers
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Antonio Acín (Barcelona)
Jens Eisert (Berlin)
Sevag Gharibian (Paderborn)
Matthias Kleinmann (Siegen)
Ion Nechita (Toulouse)
Paolo Perinotti (Pavia)
Ana Belén Sainz (Gdansk)
Roope Uola (Geneva)
Magdalena Zych (Stockholm)

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Important dates
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14.4.2023 submission open (btw World Quantum Day)
21.4.2023 registration open
01.6.2023 submission deadline
15.6.2023 (at latest) abstract acceptance notification
22.6.2023 registration deadline
23.6.2023 (at latest) participation acceptance notification
15.7.2023 payment deadline

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The following submission categories are welcome:
Contributed talk: submission consists of an extended abstract (of up to 2 pages) as a pdf.
Poster: submission consists of a short abstract (one paragraph) of plain text

All submissions will be handled by Easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ceqip202

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The workshop will be held in Smolenice Castle which history dates back to 15th century and currently it serves as the Congress Center of Slovak Academy of Sciences. It is situated approximatively 60 km northeast from Bratislava in the central area of smallest Slovakian mountains called Malé Karpaty. We will organize a conference bus from/to Vienna Airport.

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The workshop is organized by Research Center for Quantum Information, Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences (Bratislava) and Quantum Laboratory, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University (Brno).

ORGs: Jan Bouda, Denisa Lampášová, Leevi Leppäjärvi, Daniel Reitzner, Ivana Šebestová, Mišo Sedlák, Mário Ziman

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Feel free to email Leevi Leppäjärvi (leevi.leppajarvi[at]gmail[dot]com) with any questions or concerns.


We are looking forward to seeing you in CEQIP!


Kongresové centrum SAV Smolenice
Zámocká 18
Smolenice 919 04