Beyond standard Optical lattices

2010-09-13 - 2010-12-10
Kvali Institute for Theoretical Physics (University of Santa Barbara, California)

The aim of the workshop is to explore how experiments with ultracold gases can address key open problems in many-body quantum physics. Among other things it will focus on the following topics: fundamental limitations and new ideas in quantum simulation of unsolved models such as the Hubbard model; novel cooling schemes based on ideas from quantum information as well as atomic and many-body physics; emergent phenomena in non-equilibrium quantum dynamics; novel quantum magnetism in Bose and Fermi systems; realizing and probing topologically ordered states. Particular attention will be paid to novel types and applications of non-standard optical lattices (lattices with complex unit cells, Fourier synthesized lattices, radio-frequency dressed lattices, etc.)


Santa Barbara
United States
34° 25' 14.9916" N, 119° 41' 53.484" W
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