Benasque Workshop on Quantum Simulations, 2011

2011-02-28 - 2011-03-05
Benasque, Spain

We are glad to announce our Benasque Workshop "Quantum Simulations" to take place from February 28th to March 5th, 2011. The aim of this workshop is to bring together experimentalists and theoreticians in a relaxed environment, with short talks and plenty of room for discussion. The range of topics is wide and interdisciplinary, covering the study and control of quantum mechanical systems --- neutral atoms, trapped ions, molecules, circuits, nanoresonators... ---, practical and theoretical means of simulation, measurement and characterization techniques, and of course, a representation of Condensed Matter, Quantum Chemistry and Quantum Field Theory problems worth implementing in such a device.

Registration is open until January the 14th, at the workshop webpage

Information about the program, accommodation, travel grants and transportation will be updated once the list of registered participants is complete. Note that although with some limitations, there is the possibility of requesting an oral presentation or a poster. The title and a brief abstract should be provided in the "Comments" section of the registration form.

We would greatly appreciate if you could help us to disseminate this announcement.

E. Solano (Univ. del País Vasco - Ikerbasque Foundation, Bilbao)
J. J. García-Ripoll (Instituto de Física - CSIC, Madrid)
C. F. Roos (IQOQI, Innsbruck)


42° 36' 18.5076" N, 0° 31' 26.3028" E
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