
2021-05-31 - 2021-06-11
In continuation with the Atomtronics@Benasque meetings, the goal of Atomtronics@TIIAbuDhabi2021 is to follow up recent achievements in cold atoms quantum technology with a particular focus on atomtronics. Applicative, experimental and theoretical aspects of matter-wave circuits will be covered, both to extend the scope of the existing atom-based quantum simulators and devices and to project platforms for new routes in quantum technology.
Due to the covid outbreak, the meeting will take place online, coordinated by the Quantum Research Centre, Technology Innovation Institute, AbuDhabi, with a collaboration of the COST action AtomQT.
The talks will be scheduled May 31st-June 4th  and June 7th-11th, 4:30-7:30pm GST, 8:30-11:30pm SGT, 6:30-9:30am MT, 2:30-5:30pm CET. 
Because of the  constraints imposed by the online format, we cannot accept  contributing talks. 
We encourage the  interested  participants to apply for a poster breakout room.
Confirmed Speakers:
Andrea Alberti (Germany)
Verònica Ahufinger (Spain)
Dana Anderson (USA)
Natan Andrei (USA)
Michael Berry (UK)
Philippe Bouyer (France)
Jean-Philippe Brantut (Switzerland)
Gretchen Campbell (USA)
Charles Clark (USA)
Jean Dalibard (France)
Eugene Demler (USA)
Romain Dubessy (France)
Rainer Dumke (Singapore)
Mark Edwards (USA)
Tilman Esslinger (Switzerland)
Alexander Fetter (USA)
Ron Folman (Israel)
Barry Garraway (UK)
James Grieve (UAE)
Tobias Haug (UK)
Joszef Fortagh (Germany)
Wolf von Klitzing (Greece)
Katarzyna Krzyzanowska (USA)
Jose Ignacio Latorre (UAE)
Anthony James Leggett (USA)
Huanqian Loh (Singapore)
Oliver Morsch (Italy)
Maxim Olshanii (USA)
William Phillips (USA)
Piero Naldesi (Austria)
Juan Polo (UAE)
Rene Reimann (UAE)
Giacomo Roati (Italy)
Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop (Australia)
Jorg Schmiedmayer (Austria)
Sandro Stringari (Italy)
Kevin Wright (USA)
Peter Zoller (Austria)
L. Amico (QRC-TII & CQT-NUS)
G. Birkl (Technishe U. Darmstadt)
M. Boshier (Los Alamos)
L.-C. Kwek (CQT-NUS)
A. Minguzzi (U. Grenoble-Alpes & CNRS Grenoble)
C. Miniatura (CNRS-MajuLab & CQT-NUS)
More details and registration infos: