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Format: 2024-07-17
Format: 2024-07-17
Format: 2024-07-17
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Post Date Type Title
2011-10-07 11:17 Story University Summer School in Physics, SUSSP 67 on Quantum Information and Coherence, July 28 - August 10, 2011, Glasgow, Scotland
2011-10-07 14:40 Publication Quantum zigzag transition in ion chains
2011-10-07 11:28 Story Quantum Science and Technology, October 20, 2011, Villa Il Gioiello, Arcetri, Florence, Italy
2011-10-07 14:49 Publication Spontaneous nucleation of structural defects in inhomogeneous ion chains
2011-10-07 11:36 Story 2nd International Workshop on Fundamental of Light-Matter Interaction, February 13 - 16, 2011, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil
2011-10-07 11:51 Story DPG Physics School 2011: Quantum Gases in Dilute Atomic VApour, March 28 - April 1, 2011, Bad Honnef, Germany
2011-10-07 12:05 Story International Conference on Quantum Technologies, July 13 - 17, 2011, Moscow, Russia
2011-10-07 14:13 Publication Cavity cooling of a trapped atom using Electromagnetically-Induced transparency
2011-10-07 14:18 Publication Cavity sideband cooling of trapped molecules
2011-10-07 14:27 Publication Tripartite nonlocality and continuous-variable entanglement in thermal states
2011-10-07 14:38 Publication Quantum structural phase transition in chains of interacting atoms
2011-10-07 11:26 Story Workshop on Engineering and Control of Quantum Systems, October 10 - 14, 2011, Dresden, Germany
2011-10-07 14:46 Publication Quantum jumps induced by the center-of-mass motion of a trapped atom
2011-10-07 11:29 Story General Physics Colloquium, Philipps-Universität Marburg, October 24, 2011, Marburg, Germany
2011-10-06 11:34 Story National Instruments, VIP 2011 - Virtuelle in der praxis, October 28, 2010, Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany
2011-10-06 11:48 Story Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen University, March 8, 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark
2011-10-06 12:13 Story 12th International Conference on Squeezed states and Uncertainty Relations, May 5, 2011, Foz do Iguacu, Brasil
2011-10-06 12:23 Story CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2011, May 22 - 26, 2011, Munich, Germany
2011-10-06 14:08 Story 42nd Annual DAMOP Meeting, June 13 - 17, 2011, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
2011-10-06 14:12 Story GRK Colloquium of the Institute of Laser Physics, Juley 17, 2011, Hamburg University, Hamburg, Germany
2011-10-06 08:32 WebLink Majorana-Fermionen als potenzielle Recheneinheiten, Der Standard, 5. Oktober 2011
2011-10-06 11:44 Story Young Atom Opticians Conference 2011, February 11 - 18, 2011, Hannover, Germany
2011-10-06 12:10 Story Cluster Meeting on Quantum Information Processing and Communication, April 14 - 15, 2011, Warsaw, Poland
2011-10-06 12:16 Story Colloquium Institute of Laser Physics, Universität Hamburg, May 11, 2011, Hamburg, Germany
2011-10-06 12:25 Story International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, May 30 - June 3, 2011, Aerzen, Germany
2011-10-06 14:10 Story Quantum Repeater Seminar, June 20 - 22, 2011, Bad Honnef, Germany
2011-10-06 14:13 Story Quantum Photonics Seminar, July 25, 2011, University of Bristol, School of Physics, Bristol, England, UK
2011-10-05 10:25 Story Andreas Wallraff erhält Max Rössler Preis 2011
2011-10-05 10:41 WebLink ETH life, June 24, 2011 – „ Ich empfand das als eine wahnsinnige Anerkennung unserer Arbeit“
2011-10-05 11:13 Story Professor Ignacio Cirac receives the Gran Cruz de la Orden del Dos de Mayo de la Comunidad de Madrid
2011-10-05 14:16 Publication Remote Entanglement between a Single Atom and a Bose-Einstein Condensate
2011-10-05 14:22 Publication Three-Photon Correlations in a Strongly Driven Atom-Cavity System
2011-10-05 14:30 Publication Observation of squeezed light from one atom excited with two photons
2011-10-05 10:15 WebLink ETH Life, 21 February 2011: Research breakthrough for photons in the microwave frequency range
2011-10-05 10:47 WebLink Mit Quantensprüngen zum Erfolg - Idw press release, 23 June 2011
2011-10-05 10:50 WebLink Tages Anzeiger, June 28, 2011 – Auf dem Weg zum Schweizer Supercomputer
2011-10-05 11:23 Story Leonardo Mazza receives the Giuseppe Franco Bassani Prize for young physicists of the Societá Italiana di Fisica
2011-10-05 16:19 WebLink Ein Atom wird zum Lichtschalter, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 26 May 2010
2011-10-05 14:26 Publication Feedback control of a single atom in an optical cavity
2011-10-05 14:32 Publication Feedback Cooling of a Single Neutral Atom
2011-10-04 13:41 Publication Quantum simulation of frustrated classical magnetism in triangular optical lattices
2011-10-04 15:48 Story Institute of Theoretical, atomic and Molecular Physics (ITAMP), Harvard-Smithonian Centre for Astrophysics, September, 18 - 29, 2011
2011-10-04 11:40 Story IQOQI, June 2011, Inssbruck, Austria
2011-10-04 13:46 Publication Atom Counting in Expanding Ultracold Clouds
2011-10-04 11:48 Story DICE 2010, Space-Time-Matter, September 13 - 17, 2010, Castiglioncello, Italy
2011-10-04 13:51 Publication Bell inequalities with no quantum violation and unextendible product bases
2011-10-04 12:05 Publication Dipolar molecules in optical lattices
2011-10-04 14:50 Story ICFO student chapter seminar, November 2010, Casteldefells, Spain
2011-10-04 12:09 Publication Quantum phase transition of ultracold bosons in the presence of a non-Abelian synthetic gauge field
2011-10-04 15:05 Story MPQ-ICFO workshop, New trends in Quantum Information and Quantum Optics, December 2010, St. Benet, Spain