CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2011, May 22 - 26, 2011, Munich, Germany

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C. Hahn (P3b MPQ), talk, Remote Entanglement of a Single Atom and a Bose-Einstein Condensate, 23 May 2011

M. Koch (P3b MPQ), talk, Feedback Cooling of a Single Neutral Atom

A. Reiserer (P3b MPQ), talk, A Single-Atom Optical Quantum Memory

A. Neuzner (P3b MPQ), talk, Coherent shaping of photons using electromagnetically induced transparency

C. Sames (P3b MPQ), talk, Observation of Time-Dependent Third-Order Correlations in Cavity QED, 24 May 2011

H. Chibani (P3b MPQ), poster, Single-atom feedback in a new cavity QED setup

T. Kampschulte (P6 UBONN), talk, Control of refractive index and motion of a single atom by quantum interference