Work Package 6

Major advance in creating deterministic entanglement in solids


Deterministic entanglement of superconudcting qubits by parity measurement and feedback

In a recent publication in Nature, the group led by Leo DiCarlo at SOLID partner TU-Delft have performed a time-resolved, continuous parity measurement of two superconducting qubits using the cavity in a three-dimensional circuit quantum electrodynamics architecture and phase-sensitive parametric amplification. Using postselection, the group managed to produce entanglement by parity measurement reaching 88 per cent fidelity to the closest Bell state.

SOLID researchers demonstrate entanglement between distant spins in diamond at room temperature


Entanglement at room temperature in diamond

In a recent publication in Nature Nanotechnology, the group led by Jörg Wrachtrup experimentally demonstrated entanglement between two engineered single solid-state spin quantum bits (qubits) at ambient conditions. Photon emission of defect pairs reveals ground-state spin correlation. Entanglement (fidelity = 0.67±0.04) was proved by quantum state tomography.

Wallraff group demonstrate "Deterministic quantum teleportation"


Wallraff group demonstrate deterministic quantum teleportation with feed-forward in a solid state system. 

Wrachtrup group sense single remote nuclear spins


Wrachtrup group sense single remote nuclear spins

Photon-Mediated Interactions Between Distant Artificial Atoms


Wallraff group demonstrate exchange interactions, superradiant states and subradiant states for two qubits placed two centimeters apart in an open one-dimensional space.



Ronald Hanson wins European physics prize


SOLID partner Ronald Hanson is the 2012 recipient of the Nicholas Kurti European Science Prize.


Dr. Ronald Hanson from the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology is the 2012 recipient of the Nicholas Kurti European Science Prize. This prize is intended to recognise and promote outstanding achievements of young scientists in the field of physical sciences research and to support their career development. Hanson receives a €8000 cash prize, a unique trophy and certificate. He also has the opportunity to present his work at a conference of his choice.

Andreas Wallraff awarded an ERC Advanced Grant


An ERC Advanced Grant was awarded to Andreas Wallraff by the European Research Council (ERC) for the project "Superconducting Quantum Networks".

 From 2014, Wallraff will be using the funds awarded to him by the Advanced Grant to investigate ways of developing networks for computers that operate on the basis of quantum physics: quantum computers. The technology is based on integrated electronic circuits that use superconductive materials, and in which information is processed at microwave frequencies. The project focuses on the development of networks that can connect individual quantum chips at distances ranging from a few centimeters to several meters.

Diamond shows promise for a quantum Internet


Entangled diamonds...

The team led by R.

Vandersypen team at TU-Delft cause electrons to jump between distant quantum dots


electrons transported between quantum dots...

Scientists from Delft University of Technology and the FOM Foundation have successfully allowed electrons to jump between quantum dots located far from each other. The electron jumped between the ends of a chain of three small semiconducting islands (so-called quantum dots) without crossing the island in the middle.

TU Delft researchers entangle quantum bits by measurement and feedback control


Two superconducting qubits entangled!

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