Quantum Metrology, Sensing and Imaging

Former name: Quantum Technologies


Full Name: 
Computing with Mesoscopic Photonic and Atomic States
CERF, Nicolas
Running time: 
2008-04-01 - 2011-03-31

COMPAS aims at carrying out exploratory research on mesoscopic continuous variable quantum information systems, with the ultimate objective of designing the first small scale quantum processor using this continuous variable toolbox.


Full Name: 
Atomic QUantum TEchnologies
Tommaso Calarco
Running time: 
2010-02-01 - 2013-04-30
The Atomic QUantum TEchnologies (AQUTE) Integrating Project aims at
  1. Developing quantum technologies based on atomic, molecular and optical (AMO) systems both for scalable quantum computation as well as entanglement-enabled technologies (like metrology and sensing)

Tiger Optics

Company Tiger Optics is a specialized distributor of innovative solutions in the field of information security.

We help companies to reduce information security risks and protect data throughout the enterprise IT infrastructure - from her heart - the data center, and to the endpoints - workstations and corporate mobile devices. Tiger Optics operates throughout the CIS, as well as in Georgia and Moldova. Throughout, we provide sales and technical support through a network of authorized partners.

Toptica Photonics

Key Technologies

  • Diode Lasers
  • Ultra-fast Fibre Lasers
  • UV, VIS, IR Lasers
  • Terahertz Generation

Key Applications

  • Quantum Optics and Spectroscopy
  • Biophotonics and Life Sciences
  • Test and Measurement

Laser Components

LASER COMPONENTS is your partner for all laser and optoelectronics-related products. Our large portfolio is divided into the following categories: Detectors, Laser Diodes, Laser Modules, Electronics, Laser Optics, Optical Filters, Measurement Technology, Fiber Optics, and Laser Accessories.

Crystalline Mirror Solutions

Crystalline Mirror Solutions, or CMS, was founded as an Offene Gesellschaft (OG) in January 2012 and transitioned to a limited liability corporation (or Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung, GmbH) in August 2013, as a spin-off of ongoing research within the Faculty of Physics at the University of Vienna and the Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ).

Oxford Quantum Optics

Research Type: 

  • Experimental quantum optics
  • Ultrafast optics
  • Attoscience
  • Coherent control
  • Permanent staff

Ian Walmsley

Quantum Photonics (Photonics and Semiconductor Nanophysics)

Research Type: 
  • Quantum dots
  • Single-photon sources
  • Superconducting single-photon detectors
Andrea Fiore, Paul Koenraad

Quantum Dynamics

Research Type: 

  • Atom Optics
  • Bose-Einstein Condensation
  • Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
  • Quantum Information
  • Cold Molecules

Gerhard Rempe
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